Political Site News

An Olive Branch in Tone

David Boaz has an article out about a book some dude at the WSJ called “an obituary for libertarianism.”

The article has a… few problems, let’s say. Boaz is a bit… hypocritical in it.

I wrote a response to the article but you know what? Maybe I was too mean to Boaz. So I’m rewriting it to be a little less combative.

Coming soon…

Philosophy Political Site News

Facile Arguments Against Secession

And, right on schedule, barely a week after I say something nice about James Lindsay regarding his evaluation of Marxist offshoots as cults and his studies into Gnosticism and its modern incarnations, he decides to spout off ignorantly about secession, parroting the most absurdly weak arguments all the while maintaining a childishly mocking tone against any and all opposing voices.

So, I’m finally cracking open my copy of Ryan McMaken’s Breaking Away, and getting to work on something about secession, because apparently even reasonably intelligent people are unable to understand how the principles of secession and radical decentralization are the most promising hope we have for peace and diminution of the state’s powers.

Expect a few essays/videos soon, including a review of Breaking Away.

…This comes right as I had had a great idea for something on the absurdity of taxing unrealized economic gains that looks like it might get put on the back burner, at least for a bit. Oh, well.

Site News

Now Appearing on Odysee!

I decided to do a little more work on New Tech, so I started a channel on Odysee and am uploading some of my more evergreen content from the past, and once that channel catches up, I’ll start uploading new stuff there, too.

The new channel can be found at

If you like Odysee better than BitChute (and I can see reasons why you might), come find me there!