Essay Political

The Real Goals of Gun Control?

After having some time to think about what I wrote about using the “freedom from fear” to justify gun control, I kind of tripped and fell into an even more interesting conclusion:

What if the gun control isn’t the end goal?

Philosophy Political Video Link

Audio Version: “There Is No Right to a Freedom from Fear”

Audio/video version of my recent article over at the Tenth Amendment Center!

Also available at Bitchute!

Essay Philosophy Political

There Is No Right to a “Freedom from Fear”

My latest over at the Tenth Amendment Center! Today I’m debunking the idea of a right to “freedom from fear,” which has been widely used to justify mass civilian disarmament.

Turns out, #1) That’s not even what FDR was *!&^ing talking about, and #2) We’d have to give up a huge number of valuable common-law and Constitutional protections to enforce such a right!

Worth it? I think not.

I might–nah, should–do a video version of this, because I thought some parts are pretty fire. We’ll see.


Spooner on Guns: Apocryphal, or Mistaken Cite?

I stumbled into an interesting situation the other day while doing some research for a new essay on the absurdity of treating “freedom from fear” as a right (coming soon!).

I’ve seen this quote cited as from Lysander Spooner by several reasonable-looking sources:

“To ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the law abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless.”

But for my essay, I wanted to track down the original source in Spooner’s writing. And guess what?

I couldn’t find it.

I found some collections of Spooner’s work and did text searches of everything I could find, and it wasn’t there.

As I continued to look, I got more suspicious. The language was oddly modern for Spooner. Could it be a misquote?

It turns out that this quote is not by Spooner at all, but was written by Jeffrey Snyder about the 1994-2004 Assault Weapons Ban.

So, if you’ve used this quote, it may be time to update your citation. Apparently this is from an article that was in the American Rifleman and the Washington Times. Neither makes archives available that far back, so the best I could find is two sites that get the citation right.

Hat tip to Joe Huffman and the Weapons Education Forum for hanging on to proper citations.

Essay Political Video Link

Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse for Tyrants!

On Friday, September 8, 2023, the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, unilaterally and unconstitutionally ordered that open and licensed concealed carry of firearms was banned in all counties above a certain threshold of violent crime. A U.S. District Court judge quickly blocked her order with a temporary restraining order, but the safe money is on the governor getting away with this attempt to curtail the liberties of the people of New Mexico with no personal consequences.

Political Video Link

The Fruits of Anarcho-Tyranny

I saw a new ad from the awful-as-usual Brady Campaign (to Outlaw Handguns) and they’re pushing “Safe Storage” laws. Of course, this isn’t about safety, it’s about tyranny, so I thought I’d peel back some of the layers here and give it some light.

Video also available on Bitchute.

Essay Political Uncategorized Video Link

Against Gun Control: Perspective and Action

Gun control is one of the most dangerous policies to liberty. In this video, I discuss a little bit of history, but mostly what I’m after is the current state of things and strategy.

The written version is here, if you prefer that.

Video available at Odysee and Bitchute.

Essay Political

Against Gun Control: Perspective and Action (written version)

Gun control seems to be a permanent fixture of the American authoritarian left. Despite some significant gains on the side of freedom in the last fifteen years, the forces that want to disarm and subjugate peaceful Americans have not given up. On the contrary, they have redoubled their attack on our rights from different directions, so that today we face increasingly hostile and tyrannical state action against any sort of dissidence. We must be prepared to oppose these forces every step of the way, therefore the topics of civilian arms, self-defense, and self-reliance are more important than ever. Historical perspective is valuable, but accurate evaluation of the current landscape and clear and realistic recommendations are absolutely vital.