Culture Creation Economics Philosophy Political

A Small Epiphany?

I saw this post today and I feel like I had a bit of an epiphany.

As silly as it might sound, I’ve been trying to put up reasonably original stuff, without repeating myself too much. Kind of a “dissertation” attitude toward posts.

Honestly, it’s caused me more often than not, to tell myself it’s not worth saying something that’s been said before.

Culture Creation Essay Political

Anonymity Is Worth It

One of the tools necessary for a relatively free (but not stateless) society to function is free speech. Free speech allows for vigorous arguments to flourish and help people understand contentious issues. As a state becomes more censorious, or as people become more vindictive about those presenting differing opinions, it is natural for people making arguments that counter the narrative to want additional protection. The use of anonymity or pseudonyms provides this additional protection for dissidents.

Culture Creation Economics Essay Philosophy

Contemplations on Freedom and Happiness

I watched a great video from Michael Boldin over at the Tenth Amendment Center the other day. Even though it was one of their shorter “Fast Friday” episodes, Michael touched on a very interesting topic: happiness and freedom. He argued that the Founders placed extreme value on freedom, to the point where several of them said things to the effect of: “You cannot be truly happy unless you are free.” That simple but profound statement got me thinking.

Culture Creation Gaming Political Video Link

Our Hobbies: We’re Taking them Back

I’m a big gamer, mostly video games, but a little tabletop here and there. There’s been a wonderful movement recently for those of us who believe in liberty–and therefore are not welcome in the socialist hellhole communities of a lot of games–to make our own games, materials, and communities as a counter.

I’m in favor of this. Let’s create stuff and make a flanking maneuver on the forces of political correctness and take our hobbies back!

Video available on Odysee and Bitchute.