Economics Essay Philosophy Political Video Link

There’s Always Another Awful Idea…

I was inspired by part of a Lew Rockwell speech that was posted at the Mises Institute website last week!

Today, I’m talking about the dangers of positivism in economics. Basically, in complex systems like the economy, you need a logical, causal framework to evaluate ideas. A purely positivist (i.e., each idea must be tested empirically) approach can be disastrous.

Why? Because empirical testing of uncontrolled systems can lead to counterintuitive and non-generalizable results!

The temptation to fiddle endlessly becomes a source of wealth for the fiddler and a source of poverty for everybody else.

Not only are there unlimited legions of bad ideas to “test,” there are an equally unlimited number of statistical tests to apply to the subsequent data, and a finite confidence interval means some of those statistical tests will give you false positives!

Anyway, check out the video up top, and the show notes here.

This video is available on Odysee and BitChute.

Economics Political Video Link

MMT Fatal Flaws: Why Feed an Inferior Machine?

I’ve been reading a bit about Modern Monetary Theory lately, and one argument I’ve seen a few times is that inflation and taxation are merely methods to transfer goods from the “private sphere” to the “public sphere.”

Economics Video Link

Murray Rothbard’s America’s Great Depression, Ch.1 Part 1

I’m trying to figure out fun things to do for blog entries, and I thought it would be fun to go through books and create video notes or study guides.

Economics Essay Video Link

Bad Banks and Skyscrapers

(Also available on Bitchute)

Doug French wrote an article last week called “Bank CEOs Have Their Heads in the Clouds” and he talks about how all of the bank CEOs are very optimistic, but he notes that their real estate agents are optimistic, and so are their loan officers.

Economics Essay Video Link

Targeted Ignorance Against Investment

The structure and details of investing is one place pop “economists” seem to love to be ignorant. For example, we have the eminent Thomas Piketty, who says the return on investment in capital exceeds the overall rate of growth of the economy. We’ll get into that in more detail in a minute, but first let’s start with a great example of what he’s missing: the potential downsides of investment.