Philosophy Political Video Link

Locke’s Second Treatise, Chapter 6

Chapter Six is titled “Of Paternal Power,” but actually it covers a bit more than that, seeking not only to explore the limits of paternal (or, as Locke might have it, “parental”) power and show how it differs from political power.

However, here we also find Locke deviating somewhat from his desired goal of a government by consent. He makes a few crucial assumptions and moves in the direction of “implied” consent, vis a vis allegiance to governments, although not to the degree that Rousseau pushed.

What we learn here is that the primary “implication” that leads to consent of governance is the ownership of land, but Locke has side-stepped any argument about why governments must maintain a monopoly on land ownership.

All this and more in the video, which is available at Odysee, YouTube, and BitChute.

Philosophy Political Video Link

Locke’s Second Treatise, Chapter 5

This chapter is titled “On Property,” and covers the most basic parts of Locke’s theory of property.

To summarize, man owns his labor and the stuff he mixes his labor with from out of the commons in the State of Nature.

However, the Law of Nature prohibits man from appropriating things and then wasting or destroying them.

In society, positive rules are created to handle the rules for ownership and transfer of property.

It’s here that Locke seems to dig himself into a bit of a hole, both by making some assumptions about the positive laws of society and about the tendency of man in the State of Nature to only appropriate that which he can cultivate.

This video is available on YouTube, Odysee, and BitChute.

Philosophy Political Video Link

Locke’s Second Treatise, Chapters 3 and 4

In chapters three and four of Locke’s Second Treatise, he covers The State of War (inside and outside of the context of society), and Slavery.

He makes a few strange arguments here, so bear with me as I try to work through them and provide some context.

One very interesting point is that, for Locke, the primeval state of man (pre-government) consists of some mixture of the State of Nature and the State of War. In short, Locke’s State of Nature has a different scope from, say, Hobbes’s.

This video is available on Odysee, BitChute, and YouTube.

Philosophy Political Video Link

Locke’s Second Treatise, Chapters One and Two

Finally finished the first part of this summary, analysis, and critique of Locke’s Second Treatise. This part covers chapters 1 and 2, the Introduction and Locke’s explanation of the State of Nature.

It’s worth noting that Locke borrows his concept of the Law of Nature from Richard Hooker’s Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, which can be found here.

My perspective is that Locke doesn’t get enough credit for his work toward describing and understanding a limited government. Too much of Rousseau’s perversion of Locke has made its way into the philosophical zeitgeist, and has led people to believe Locke’s State of Nature is idyllic.

It is not.

In addition to summarizing and analyzing Locke’s work, I’m going to be going through the whole Treatise and pointing out where Locke’s efforts toward a limited form of government fails from a voluntaryist perspective.

This video (and others in the series) will be available on YouTube, Odysee, and BitChute.

Essay Political Video Link

Stay Vigilant and Strike the Roots

Some thoughts after the election results. In short, if you care about liberty and not just Trump, now is the time to be extra vigilant and ensure that the people who want unchecked authority don’t Wormtongue their way into power again in the next four years.

My written notes here.

Video available on Odysee, BitChute, and YouTube.

Economics Video Link

Rothbard’s America’s Great Depression, Appendix

The final section of Rothbard’s book is an extended discussion of Rothbard’s concepts of the Gross (or Net) Private Product, and an argument about how to calculate government depradations against the private product remaining in private hands.

The appendix contains a number of tables of data on economic statistics from 1929 through 1932, providing calculations of Private Product and Depradation as well.

One thing worth noting is that the Table VI in the Fifth Edition is an error. That table is supposed to contain government expenditure numbers but the receipt numbers from Table VII are reproduced there mistakenly.

The corrected content of Table VI is as follows:

FederalState & LocalTotal
Corrected Table VI from page 345 of the fifth edition. All figures are in billions of dollars.

My reconstruction of Table VI comes from combining appropriate figures from Tables IV and V.

For my full show notes, go here.

This video is available on Odysee, BitChute, and YouTube.


Census Bureau, Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-1945

NY Tax Foundation, The Tax Burden In Relation To National Income and Product
(pdf direct link)

Fabricant and Lipsey, The Trend of Government Activity in the United States Since 1900
(specific section cited by Rothbard)

Economics Political Video Link

Rothbard’s America’s Great Depression, Chapter Twelve

Chapter 12 is the wrap-up, about the last few months of Hoover’s term and Hoover’s unwarranted confidence in his actions. Along for the ride are some overall statistics from the start of the depression until he left office as well. There are also some ominous references to FDR’s incoming New Deal.

See my show notes here.

This video is available on Odysee, BitChute, and YouTube.


Saloutos, Agricultural Discontent in the Middle West…

Fisher, 100 Percent Money

Jones, Fifty Billion Dollars…

Clark, Central Banking Under the Federal Reserve System

Anderson, Economics and the Public Welfare

Willis, The Banking Situation

Angly, Oh Yeah?

Kent Cooper, Kent Cooper and the Associated Press

Ayres, The Chief Cause of This and Other Depressions

Phillips, Banking and the Business Cycle

Davies, Depression and Recovery

National Industrial Conference Board, Salary and Wage Policy in the Depression

Levinson, Unionism, Wage Trends, and Income Distribution

Morris, The AFL in the 1920s: A Strategy of Defense

Monthly Labor Review 35 (3)

Monthly Labor Review 35 (4)

Economics Video Link

Inflation: The Econometric Mirage

Just some quick thoughts on why monetary inflation might look “good” from an econometric perspective, while hiding the negative effects.

The shortest argument seems to be that the “positive GDP” effects of monetary inflation hit immediately, while the “negative GDP” effects hit later. That allows politicians and economists to blame other factors for the downturn.

It’s also worth remembering that GDP makes the mistake of assuming a dollar spent by the government is equivalent to a dollar spent by the private sector, as far as satisfying the actual needs and wants of people.

I’ve handled that fallacy in this article at the Mises Wire.

This video is available on Odysee, BitChute, and YouTube.

Economics Political Video Link

Rothbard’s America’s Great Depression, Chapter 11, part 2

Most of this part of the chapter is devoted to the efforts and agitation to reflate prices up to their pre-depression levels.

Fortunately, quite a few of these efforts fizzled out, but enough made it into official policy that the economy suffered another blow at the end of the year, after a small uptick.

Economics Philosophy Video Link

Aluminum Cans and the Nirvana Fallacy?

Today’s short video was inspired by an awful video about aluminum cans and the environment.

The Nirvana Fallacy is not the only mistake this guy makes, but it is the most frequent one.

False declarations of human “rights,” failure to understand the profit motive, a top-down view of the economy… there is a lot of foolishness to cover!

This video is available on Odysee, BitChute, and YouTube.